Friday, July 08, 2005

I Heart NY

After a big day in the big Apple I ventured into SoHo to a little Thai restaurant called "Peep." It was pink and fab and just the right place to sip a well deserved martini. "Yeah, so what" you might say. "everyone's been to SoHo." Very true gentle reader. Well this was no ordinary Thai place.

I get directed to the bathroom that is essentially a mirrored wall with a handle. Hmm, that's slightly weird. The entrance is in the middle of the restaurant. Sucks for those people dining right next to it.I cross through into the looking glass (literally) turn around only to see the entire restaurant laid out in front of me.

The mirrors are two way and you can see everyone eating their dinner. Hence the name "Peep." I found this a little too much. There's a TV in the loo giving off light, I was looking for a light switch in case they were going to turn on and everyone would see me. I had a few moments of wondering if this was an elaborate joke.

Well I really needed to go and it was a rather nerve racking experience. I was looking directly into the eyes of people looking in my direction but not at me. I re-entered the restaurant and no one blinked. Not a single reaction from anyone.

177 Prince St. (SoHo/NoHo/Little Italy) between Thompson and Sullivan Sts.212-254-7337

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