Friday, July 21, 2006

Baby Don't Cry

The role of the 8-month pregnant wife will NOT be played by Lush.

I had my first TV audition today. The audition seemed simple enough - crying on cue. Walk into the room, hit the mark, and breakdown after hearing the news that your husband has been murdered. I practiced in the mirror last night and early this morning - it was believable.

But push came to shove in the room and there I was at 8am and I was not sobbing uncontrollably. Needless to say I am not expecting a call. Damn, I was rather looking forward to wearing the pregnant suit on set too.


Cherry! said...

YOu should of thought of NOT getting the part and maybe that would have made you cry!

BTW what did the housemates think of you bawling over nothing and looking in the mirror?

Lush said...


The last time I cried was over Clefty. Ouch, that issue is still a bit raw. I was a mess on the side of the road in Balmain. I tried lots of emotional stuff. No cigar.

I pre-warned the hipster re-my pending breakdown. She's making me a crystal necklance for my B'day.

KUYAZ said...

Your new design is ready to go!
Gmail me for the deets.

Cherry! said...

Kuya! My blog needs a makeover too! Have you considered going into the Blog Restoration industry??

KUYAZ said...

Gmail me your 4 colors of choice, pics, etc. and I will make it my next project...

Sir Dirty Joke said...

Sexy pic!