Sunday, March 05, 2006

Garbage Grouch

It was my second trip to the garbage room when I was accosted by a fellow resident in the garage:

"Excuse me, that last bag you took had recycle materials in it. I sorted it for you this time BUT in future please make sure to sort your rubbish and place it in the coloured bins provided" she snarled.

It's true, my recycle bin in the kitchen was overflowing so I quickly shoved the excess stuff into a bag and chucked it in the regular bin in haste. I was on my way to Mardi Gras and had no time to wade through the bin room.

I guess this woman had been spying on me walk through the car park garbage bags in hand and felt the need to do some further investigation.

In order for her to know this about my rubbish she made a special trip to the garbage room after I left. She opened all the bins to find my particular bags then physically untie the knotted bags all before riffling through my trash.

Yes, she riffled through my trash in the garbage room and then told me about it!

I felt kind of guilty about having mixed in a plastic bottle with the other stuff but wasn't in the mood to deal with her attitude so I smiled said thanks and kept on walking with my second load of already fully-sorted recycle garbage.

She would not let up and kept starring at me at which point I turned and asked point blank:

"Why did you look through my garbage?"

That was it - she practically started to spit. She embarked on a rant about how she had seen a plastic bottle through my bag and how there was a garbage problem in the building. What, does she have x-ray vision? How many other times has she pulled this garage garbage room stalker business on others or was I simply the lucky victim of her rage.

I recycle. I promise I do. Hence the overflow from the recycle bin in my kitchen but at what point does this bitch with the blonde bob cut believe it's okay to go through my garbage and lecture me about my recycling practices?

I think this incident says far more about her than me. If only there was something manky in the bin bag. I would have just loved it.


Cherry! said...

She's got major problems!

Lush said...

A mysterious note has now appeared on the apartment complex entry door about rubbish. Blah blah blah. This happened onece before and turned into neighbourly bickering.

She wasn't happy with her scare tactics. I wonder if i'll get a knock at the door soon? She'll know my apartment number fom going through the rubbish.