Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Learning about the NNP

I met someone who works at one of those blokey mags with the busty tanned girls on the cover (you know - the girls most commonly plucked from the shallow end of the Big Brother talent pool.)

She was explaining the mag and how the one she works for is different to others since her mag can be read in public places without guilt due to the NNP "No Nipple Policy."

Leats hear that again: No Nipple Policy. I've heard of unusual work place policies but the NNP is by far the most hilarious.


egan said...

I see your blog isn't NNP. Why are nipples not good to view in public?

Lush said...

Hey Egs - good question!

Experiemnt - go out in public one lunch or even in your office with the NNP mag and take note of the response.

Another day try the nipple mag and see what the response is.